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Even with technology and increased access to information, many people still struggle with online privacy concerns. From identity theft to credit-card fraud, the internet has made it easier for hackers to exploit your personal data or use your account without your knowledge. With this in mind, you should take every precaution by keeping your browser's cookies enabled which should prevent any other person from viewing what you are browsing on any given day. How to Use Cookies: https://www.techwalla. com/articles/how-to-enable-cookies-in-firefox Now that you understand how privacy works online, there's a little bit more to think about. With cookies enabled in your browser, you will need to refresh the page before you can shop at any given website or remember your username and/or password when logging into a secure site. In general, this is not a big deal when it comes to shopping, but it does become an issue when trying to login to a secure site because cookies have been disabled in your browser. The best way to bypass this problem is to open your browser's options or preferences screen and head to the Privacy or Security tab in order to enable cookies. Once you have done that, you will be able to login again to any given site without having cookies disabled. For added protection against hackers, it is always best practice to use a strong password on all of your secure sites. If someone knows your password, they will also be able to get into your account if they get hold of your username and/or ID number. A good rule of thumb is that the longer the more complex, but please don't memorize it too long or store it on a piece of paper. If you do choose to store your password on a scrap of paper, make sure it is safely hidden and don't write down anything else. For example, you could write down your address and the name of your pet(s) as well as passwords for all of that information, but then there is always the possibility that someone could find it.Gambero Rosso com/how-to-stop-a-hacker-stealing-your-cookies/,2817,2327272,00.asp?iKey=null&iId= 42cfa1e7782013

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